Thursday, November 12, 2009

My costume? Dirty bicyclist!

October 31
I head out the crack of daylight and head out, with the mindset, the second I break another spoke, I'm hitchiking to san fran. Sure enough, 1 mile into the ride, PING. I had my bike down and thumb out within 30 seconds. I got a series of rides from cool people, and one dude in a BMW drove me SIXTY miles. First of all, he was driving like 70 around blind corners and if there had been bikers on the road, they would have died. Second, who picks up a biker when you're in a Beemer? No way I would. Scratch the leather! He told me all about the vineyards that we passed by, letting me know the inside scoop on the good the bad and the just plain cheap. Once I got off the 1 and near the 101, hitchhiking was a waste of time. Whereas before I only waited for 5 minutes at a time, in 2 hours I got no nibbles. So I took a bus from santa rosa to san fran with the biggest dick of a bus driver possible.
And yes, I crossed the Golden Gate bridge in a bus. It upset me, but I'm not superman. I would have liked to have done the real deal, but I was at my breaking point due to the wheel. Peter picked me up at the gate and took some pictures in the fading sunset of me raising my dilapidated bike in triumph.
Trick or treating didn't happen. I smelled so bad that there was no chance anyone would give me candy. I mean, isnt that what CVS is for the day after?

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