Sunday, October 25, 2009

First meeting with Clifford and all his friends

October 8 thursday... Or something
65 miles - personal best!
My god I love not having An alarm clock or sense of what time it is when I get up. It's really quite something to get up whenever it feels right. Started out towards Elma, which a nice lady at a store in the middle of nowhere (and I mean nowhere) was 10 miles but ended up being 20 miles away. I had my first encounters with dogs being entirely too entertained/protective when exposed to spinning wheels. Big dogs are a bit scary, and I get off my bike and keep it between me and them till they get bored. Little dogs are hilarious. I just keep biking a little faster than they can run. One chased me a good 1/4 mile while right on my heels

This 65 miles was basically a nice trip through a bit of forestedland but mostly farmland. Saw some beautiful digs, a bunch of baby cows and a metric shit ton of grown cows. I kept them confused by mooing repeaTedly when biking by. They all look up. The baby cows all come over to say hi. Pretty cute. Horses couldn't give 2 shits about my neighing. I stopped at this one farm that had a treed in are with hammocks and little covered benches that had a wonderful energy. HAd some lemonade and good talks. 
Eventually I got to centralia, a bustling hub of 35,000 where i grAbbed subway and fell asleep at the table. camping cost 25 bucks here while motel 6 cost 35... Hmmm warm bed shower tv security. It was a tough choice.  

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