Sunday, October 25, 2009

California dreaming

October 21
54 miles ( the day of my first flat... And second)

  rained all night, and didn't show signs of stopping. I've been proven to be a bringer of bad omens on this trip, so I've stopped commenting on the weather all together (out loud, at least). I get on my rainproof pants and rain jacket. I put on my subway bags over my feet and wrap my head in my rain hood. Then I wrap all my gear in a garbage bag. Here's where pat says "thanks for wrapping yourself up for a monsoon, cause now we know it will be perfect weather in an hour"
  well, my powers over the weather stayed true, and I basically looked like an dork after and hour. A dry dork mind you. So I'm biking and see some large shards of glass but can't swirve becAuse of a car and pfffft ( no I didn't fart ). My first flat... Ever. I'm struggling when p&j come up 20 minutes later and walk me through the process while they enjoy lunch. Done and done. And then they notice something wrong with my wheel hub which will have to wait till the bike shop at the border.
  I stopped at subway and got a meatball sub. I'm sorry, no meatball sub in the world will ever compare to wawa.California dreaming is stuck in my head all day and Eventually, with a few 30 minute breaks to enjoy striking coastline, I get to brookings and Harris beach state park on the BORDER OF CALIFORNIA!!!! great dinner, go to take a shower and pfffft. Dammit it will wait till morning. The hiker biker site has holly and Jacob, p&j and another solo rider sporting a Mohawk named Anthony. We sat around the campfire for hours roasting marshmellows, a favorite pastime of mine. By now, all my trip clothes have been doused in odor du campfire. No raccoons!!

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