Sunday, October 25, 2009

October 6

October 6
25 miles
Today I began my journey, leaving my flashing taillight at ben hamm's and losing a part of my odometer system to the streets of Seattle, no, I didn't go to tullys. Deal. I also had the mistaken idea that ferries run frequently. Oops. Apparently they take a looong time too.
But I got to meet bob, a fellow biker and physics/astronomy prof at the university of Washington. We talked about stars, galaxies, telescopes and puget sound. Did you know there's a telescope in chile that will in one yeAr view more of space than every other telescope in history. Wooooah. Poor Hubble deep field. 
OThe ferry brought me to Bremerton, a city of 10,000 with lots of hills, which made me aware that my lower gears (hill gears) broke in the shipping process. I saw the first of much beautiful countryside, a wonderfully romantic grafitti and a little campsite off of the hood canal.

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