Sunday, October 25, 2009

"pitbulls really are nice dogs"

October 11 
I woke up with a pitbull puppy barking at my tent, just like he had done for 3 hours the night before. The owner eventually came out and talked to me once the dog stopped barking. He was a nice dude, but was bummed that that they were kicking him out of the rv park because of the pitbull. Apparently it's illegal to own a pitbull in cathlamet. Famed eight. He kept putting up a defense of how pitbulls aren't that bad.... Right. That's why pounds are like 70% pitbulls cause they're wretched creatures IMO. I nodded to be agreeable and to avoid upsetting him.

Crossed a bridge and a ferry across the Columbia river to Oregon, where I had a nice 1000 foot climb which overlooked the ferry and bridge. Which was pretty nifty. Hills suck but they do indeed give great vantage points. After I while I came to Astoria and the pacific ocean! At a bike shop I shot the shit with the owner and tried to fix my odometr and basically made a new sensor magnet with spare parts. Nifty. HAuled Ass on the 101 to seaside where I came to an rv park and campground with cramped spaces for the Rvs, while I have 2 acres of campground completely to myself. When I came to the campground the owner was cooking a dinner that smelled like heaven. I expressed my approval and talked a bit with them about coyotes, into the wild, and camping and went to set up my tent. The lady came out with a plate of Cajun stir fry for me. OH My God! Amazing. Despite main components being cooked tomatoes and olives, both of with I hate, I  loved it and gobbled it up. I'm gonna offer her a massage tomorrow as thanks

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