Sunday, October 25, 2009

Storm of pain and negative miles

October 14
-11 miles
And I wake up 2 hours later to the loudest racket imaginable. The 20 mile per hour winds evolved to gusts of 45 and all he'll breaks loose. I spend the night very awake and praying some branch doesn't land on my tent and end my life.I fall asleep at 5 and wake up at 7 with an inch of rain/sand/dirt in my tent. The other tent was closer to the beach and fared worse. Trees around us had split in half. It was time for a hotel, but with 40 mile wind, there's no hope of biking, so we got a "taxi," which wAs a guy in a van chain smoking cigs. 
The hotel is amAzing and has a kitchen, so we bunker down and watch history channel and read, checking the weather channel every hour and eventually make dinner. A great way to end a shitty start.

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